The average American consumes close to a half of pound of sugars a day! Sugar is addicting. Experiencing physical pleasure, gambling, using cocaine and consuming sugar, all stimulate the nucleus accumbens, which is known as the pleasure as well as the addictive center of the brain. The discovery of this center occurred in 1954.
Alzheimer’s disease has no effective conventional treatment or cure, but there is a link below to Awakening from Alzheimer’s, which can put you in touch with promising alternative treatments for Alzheimer’s.
It is estimated that 5.4 million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s and that number is expected to triple by 2050.
Diet, exercise, exposure to toxins, vitamin D levels and sleep are all related to the probability of getting or not getting Alzheimer’s.
There is also a genetic link. Having the haploid, which is one gene or the diploid, which are two ApoE4 genes, can increase someone’s lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s between 30% and 50% percent respectively.
A high sugar and a high carbohydrate diet can also increase your risk of dementia by about 90%. On the other hand, eating a high healthy fat diet, can lower Alzheimer’s risk by 44%.
Consuming omega 3 fats and taking turmeric or curcumin, may be very beneficial in dropping the inflammatory levels that also are associated with Alzheimer’s.
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